Management Service Organizations

Management Service Organizations

The Management Service Organization Accreditation Program (MSOAP) assesses organizations that offer centralized administrative and hosted technology services. This includes organizations that provide electronic health record systems for healthcare providers, ensuring that protected health information (PHI) is stored, accessed and/or transmitted in a private and secure manner. Other areas of focus for this program include privacy and confidentiality, technical performance, business processes, resources, and security.

In the process of a thorough, objective Management Service Organization evaluation, we will help your organization identify strategies and tactics to improve efficiency, elevate quality of service, and remain current with existing and emerging marketplace trends.

The Management Service Organization Accreditation Program:

  • reduces risk to PHI and operations through the demonstration of a risk management program with effective controls
  • prepares your organization for third-party audits including trading partner audits (some payers require  this accreditation program as a condition of processing their transactions) and state compliance (DirectTrust accreditation is required for processing healthcare transactions in the states of Maryland and New Jersey)
  • enhances trust for your customers, trading partners, and other stakeholders

To begin the application process, please complete the application form through our website. Program criteria are located on the criteria page.

Also, are you looking for hands-on support to help you through the pre-assessment steps, readiness planning process and more? Learn about our Consulting and Advisory Services which have been designed to provide additional guidance in completing the Management Services Accreditation Program.

 “DirectTrust’s Management Service Organization Accreditation has been critical to ensuring that we have the policies and procedures in place to protect our customers and adhere to stringent security standards to effectively handle healthcare data. The accreditation has proved to insurers and potential customers that we have an industry approved framework in place for optimal and secure business processes as we work with clients to implement their health IT solutions and systems.”
-Alexandra Jellerette, MA, President, Zane Networks, LLC


Ready to move forward?

Apply for Accreditation

Accredited Organizations